


jQuery-TagRects is a Jquery plugin that it could put the tags in some user defined rects and draw a shape.The position of the tags is random in each rect for each loading .
here is the screenshot:

It is a very simple version for now.

NOTE: the plugin is NOT support ie6-8.

Any questions please send me an e-mail:uaxb(at)hotmail.com

1.2.How to use it

You can invoke the plugin by invoke:

widget:container that holds the rect shape


name type default description
tags array empty array tag DOM widgets
rects [
empty array define the rect array,each elemt contains start point(top left),end point(top right),and height of the rect
rectStyle object define the style of rects,see table blow
tagStyle object define the style of tags,see table blow
tagFillType text ‘random’ random:Tags will be filled in random rects .
sequence:Tags will be filled in rects from first rect to last.
tagFillTryTimes number 5 While ‘tagFillType’ is set to random , plugin will try X times to fill into the rects.

options of rectStyle:

name type default description
borderStyle text ‘none’ The style of rect boder
borderColor text ‘#000000’ The color of rect boder
borderThickness text ‘0px’ The thickness of rect boder
standardWidth number width of the document Define the standard width.The point x of the rects is based on this width.
standardHeight number height of the document Define the standard width.The point y of the rects is based on this height.
fitWidth bool true If fitWidth is set to true , width of the rects will be scaled to fit container’s width.
fitHeight bool true If fitHeight is set to true , width of the rects will be scaled to fit container’s width.
keepAspectRatio bool true If the rects will keep aspect radio during scaling.
cssClass text The css class name of the rects

options of tagStyle:

name type default description
fontColor text ‘#000000’ Font color of the tags.
fontWeight text ‘auto’ Font size of the tags , ‘auto’ means do not change the font size.
rotateActiveTag bool true Wether show a rotate animation while mouse over a tag, need jquery.rotate plugin
boldActiveTag bool true Wether bold while mouse over a tag
cssClass text The css class name of the tags.

Here is a example:





(not available for ie users)


2013.05.02 – 0.0.1
Create plugin

2013.05.03 – 0.0.3
Fix the bugs.

2013.05.04 – 0.0.4
Update the option list.